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Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday , 7 August

Mlm dlm kul 8 something ar, boyfiee i call d0w!
glewglewglewglew bez arr!

feels like da berthun ta call die! s0rry sweetheart <33
suare die buat aq cairrr beb ! xDDD
rnduuu ouh glew ar.. glew skrg ni un rndu na dga suare die agi !
glew cairrr beb!!

pstu an on9 lar ym..
die un on9 taw! glew bez ar..

then dayah pulaaak on9!
dayaaaah glew rndu kt dayah d0w!
kerinduan tu ta lbih tapi kurg dr iqram.. heheeee =p ( boyfiee lbih lar xp )

dayaaah ilyy lar!
iqram ily u m0re! <333

Qilaaa p0n! rnddduuu kt qilaaah ouh! :)
qila bile na g cinema sme2 lg?

qila, Dayah ilyyy ! <333