i know2, there wil be no works!
sheeeshh, there are works to do,
1) Listen to mom's babbling
2) Mom's books
duh... bla, bla bla n blaa...
eyh, i do likes holiday, there's only one thing,
i will MISS my BFF !!! =((
tp okay lar, drpd kne duduk kt skola, ngan bdak2 cam sial tuh..
at least i still can got o their house.. ( my BFF)
klau kt skola, makes me damn crazy! duhhh -/
okay2, klau tulis pnjg2 pon, korang naa bace ker? dh lar, nnt post lg!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
30 May!
yeayyy !! Harini B'day DAYAH! Happy Birthday Dayah!
kite nk wish tepat2 ariniee ;))
nnt kite bg adiah kt kamu taww =p
tusyen! ;p Idayah yg chomeyl2..,,
seMOga pnjg um0 n murah rezeki ye!!
n kite doakn kamu dpt 5A taww! ;p
sygg kamuuu ;p
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Today 25 May .. yea! its my birthday!
damnn i cant tell, i thought it could be the worse!
cuz its exam.. then, vice versa!
seriously, dpt adiah drpd Azril! rantai n sweater, bez gler!
aq syg kaww lar azril! pastu najwa, dayah, ain lupe nk bwk, tape2..
nnt dier bg lar tuh =p pastu, naqib, Fathiah! x lupe jugew =) n Sufia!
thanx yeaaa korang!
lg sorang, org yg aq x knal, x thu mne dier knal aq,
dier duk kt putrajya =p dier bg hadiah melalui cousin dier,
cousin dier kwn aq, even cousin dier pon x tau caner dier knal aq,
cuz, aq still new student kt skola niy!
bdk tu bg, necklace, yg sgattt cntik, n mahal! dr oversea tuhhh..
nme diew Danny Zack damn! aq ske glew nme tuh!
Thanx byk2 yew korang!!
ilyilyilyilyily <333
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Birthday kwn2 ku dr skola lame...
I write the birthday of all my old school friend, juz in case if I forgotten it..
Happy Birthday to Alll of youu!! ILY SFDM !! <33 sorry if i'm late wishing u all.. and sorry if i dont wish.. so i wish it here.. for all !!
♥~ Nik Sofiah 30 JANUARY
♥~ Nur Adlin Syafiqah 13 MAY
♥~ Nur Mahirah Afqah 11 MARCH
♥~ Hajar 16 DECEMBER
♥~ Engku Aisyah 1 JUNE
♥~ Nur Jannah 27 MAY
♥~ Izdihar 25 OGOS
♥~ Nur Awatif 8 OGOS
♥~ Aisyah Ilyana 4 OGOS
♥~ Nadia Husna 21 FEBRUARY
♥~ Ummu Farhah 20 APRIL
♥~ Husna Nabilah 1 MAY
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Okay kt sini ana nk share lar skit2 psl kisah hidup ana, ceyh! hahah..
Utk pengetahuan korang2 sumee.. ana niy dr kecik dididik dgn agame yg pnoh!
drpd tadika lg ana tadika kt tadika agame lar, smpaaaaaaaaaaaaiii ana msuk drjh 1, skola pling ana syggggg skali!! Sekolah Sri Al-Amin Bangi.. dr drjh 1 smpai drjh 5.. di situlah bermulanyer, peristiwa2 yg hebat2 bersame kwn2 yg ana syggg gler2 duhh..[gmbr di ats] n skrg niy ana dh pndah skolaa.. sgt yg plingggggg menyedihkn dlm hidup ana.. mmg lar, kite bknnyer blh dpt sume yg kite nk kn?? redha jer lar.. SK plk tuh!!? dh la x biase dgn kehidupn diorang.. ana still x dpt makes myself comfortable kt sini.. dorang bergaul dg bebasnye!! sgt memalukn!! ana x biasee.. tp sbr je lar... huhu.. ana rndu sgt3!! kt kwn2 ana kt skola lame.. yg fhm diri ana.. mcm Nik Sofiah, Nur Jannah, Adlin Syafiqah
ana rnduu kt korang !! ana x kn lupe kn korang tau3 !! muaaaaaaahhhxxx !!
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Teacher's Day ~
Happy Teacher's Day !! I'm sooo damnn MISSing my old school teacher :-((
seriously, they've taught me for 5 years !!
Sekolah Sri Al-Amin Bangi :)) the bez school ever !!
Mlm2 n Mlmh2 ku ;p
.Norhafizah..Noor Husna..Izlina..Noraini..Bayani..Roselinee..Fathiyah..Tengku Shazreena..Warnidah..Aisyah..Zulkifli..Saudi..Zul Izzudin..Shamsul..Amnan.. [ sper lg erk? ] hurmm.. ni jer kot yg ajr ana ..
When you thought I wasn't looking, you displayed my first report, and I wanted to do another.
When you thought I wasn't looking, you fed a stray cat, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals.
When you thought I wasn't looking, you gave me a sticker, and I knew that little things were special things.
When you thought I wasn't looking, you put your arm around me, and I felt loved.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt--but that it's all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking, you smiled, and it made me want to look that pretty too.
When you thought I wasn't looking, you cared, and I wanted to be everything I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking--I looked...and
Wanted to say Thanks for all those things you did when you thought I wasn't looking.
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 6:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
heheh ;DD
that camp was awesome!
hehehe... but, i hate them!!
the stupidDUMbass boy lar! stupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddd..
i know, i'm wearing pink shirt, but its okay rite??
its girl colourr, they keep teasing me !!
thats make me not in moooodd .. huhu..
bengang gler seyh!
sialnyer ank toke lembuuuu!!
mmg ank toke lembu pon.. i teased them lar plk, i said, mungkin ko yg ske kaler pink kot?
dorang makiiinnn menggedik! aq mmg x ske kaler pink tuh,
tppp... baju niy mak aq yg beliii... bengang gler siall!!
sbr je ar.. sialan, bdk tu x der kwn..
org jer trpkse kwn ngan dier, dier tu jht gler thu x ??!!
baraaann lak tuh, adesss...
menyakitkn aty tull lar!! huhu...
okay lar, bla luu ~
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Campppppppppppppp ;D
Bnci gler kot ??!
cuz, first2 aq excited nk gi kem niy,
pastu feeling likes, no moooddd larr :((
i'm tooo lazy for it!
seriously ,
for today , 14 May? i wont be onlining ...
myspace or ym, tomorrow, i will! insyaAllah :)
add yerr :)
sabaaaaaaaaaaaaaarr jew larr ;p
sayonara ! i dont wanna goooo !!
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Birthday !!
Okay, birthday3!! sedeyhhnyerr larr.. adess...
my birthday is on 25 may! sure, i like it , perfect timing.. LOL!
BUT... my exam is on 25 MAY!! seriously, hate it ! why is it sooo damn late ??!!
urghh.. i dont care lar..
at least all my Cuppiecakes remember my birthday :)
not bf oke! my cuppicakes <33 href="">
that makes me alwayz cheeeerrr ^-^
ILY them! SFDM !! huhuhu.. And x lupe juge, Aqilah n Hidayah!!
Happy bday juge utk Hidayah! May <333 href="">
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 4:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ouh! aq adlh seseorg yg sgt mementingkn persahabtn.. n aq x suke gadoh oke! aq x der musuh, n aq x memusuhi sesiape pon.. i reaalllyyy,, appreciate frendz! i dont hate anyone, dont worry :)) seriously, even he hates me.. i am totallly dont care! :DD i luv my frendz.. i dont wanna loseee them! I misssssssssss them !!
kwn lame kt skola aq, sekola kesyyggnnn aq, SRI Al-Amin Bangi.. reallyyyy miss them! i've been schooling there for 5 years!! and i hav to move.. sbb, ayh dh pndh tmpt keje, n nnt x de sape nk hntr, thats the prob.. i really33333 MISSing my great, great,great,great,great BEST friend!! Nik Sofiah..
and also, my great bez frend, Hanisah!
i will put the picture of my frend, on a new post.. :DD cya! wanna meet them!! seriously, desperately !!!!!!!!!!
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Me, nothing much about me..
this year, i'm gonna hav my "UPSR" , and i'm so bz with it! LOL!
seriously, hate it..
i dunnoe why, everyone say, it's not that bad..
i mean hard" lol, and i'm tellin' ya, that i'm gonna post it, RARELY..
cuz i'm bz, lol! seriously..
haha! *tetibe rajin kot* ouh! utk thun niy jer, LOL!*
Hey! ermm.. btw, u know about Nik Nur Madihah??!!
i'm soooooooo , dont know what to say about her,
i mean, she's not that rich lar, and then, she got 20 A!! cant u imagine that?
i mean, there's a boy lar that got 20 A but, he's rich rite??
and he's comfortable with his life rite??
Ouh man... Kak Madihah is my idol for now!
*wish to meet her again..* huhu..
Okay that's all from me!
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 8:06 AM 0 comments
A word is dead,
When it is said,
Some say,
I say it juz,
Begins 2 live,
That day......
There is a word,
Which bears a sword,
Can pierce an armed man.
It hurls its barbed syllables,----
At once is mute again.
But where it fell,
The saved will tell,
On patriotic day,
Some epauletted brother,
Gave his breath away.
Wherever runs the breathless sun,
Wherever roams a day,
There is its noiseless onset,
There is its victory!
Behold the keenest maskman!
The most accomplished shot!
Time's sublimest target,
IS a Soul "forgot"!......
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 4:12 AM 0 comments
cant tell how much i'm loving u,
eventhough, u're so mean to me, LOL!
thanx for getting mad at me, and makes me better..
i will love u forever! n ever! n ever!
promishhh that !!
Free Myspace Graphics
written by , aNis FarHaNa (: at 3:37 AM 0 comments